Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Bob Jain & Teaching Your Kids About Finance

By Robin Setser

One of the more complicated matters to teach your kids about has got to be finance. After all, it is very likely that they will not fully understand the value of money and how it will be able to impact their lives in the long term. While it's not necessary to supply your children with a tremendous amount of information at the onset, it's helpful if you teach them smaller things early on. Here are just a couple of tips that, in my view, Bob Jain will be able to support.

When it comes to the many important points of finance, Bob Jain will be able to attest to the idea of taxes. After all, price is an asset that can be determined because of many different things and it goes without saying that tax plays a great role. For parents or those who are looking to become parents, taxes are crucial for your child's understanding, since the base price is not the only expense to take into consideration. This is a good start in the learning process, as names along the lines of Jain will support.

If you are a parent, it may be in your best interest to introduce your children to play money as well. Without any actual monetary value, this will be able to help them better understand not only what certain coins and bills mean but how to add and subtract them. There's a bit to be seen in the way of mathematics but it's meant to help them. After all, if your kids do not have a firm understanding of simple addition and subtraction, money may not mean as much.

Another way to best introduce your children to money is to institute the idea of a piggy bank. Children, more so than anything, have to learn how to save money and the best way to do this is to keep a small bank in the house. Kids should be able to put a small amount of money inside of it on a periodic basis. What this means is that, once children are old enough, they will be able to have a far better understanding of how to approach goals in the long term.

Hopefully these tips will be able to offer you a far better understanding of how to help your children become acquainted with finances. To say that this is an important point to know about would be an understatement. There are many tips that will be able to help you along the way, whether they are verbally projected or done through more practical means. It does not matter which method you see as the most preferred; the earlier that you teach your kids about money, the better off that they will be.

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